In-Depth Study on Foxmail Forensics

Published By Anurag Sharma
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh
Published On August 28th, 2017
Reading Time 4 Minutes Reading
Category Forensics

With the increased usage of email mode of communication, development rate of multiple desktop email clients has increased tremendously over the years. Undoubtedly, Email facilitates users to exchange information across the globe easily. However, it also promotes cyber crimes by providing covert communication channels for criminals. Email data analysis and investigation has become hot topic in the field of forensic sciences. In this content, we will be studying about one such email client Foxmail and the procedure to examine evidence through Foxmail Forensics.

Why Foxmail Forensics is required?

Foxmail is one of the freely available desktop-based email clients owned by Tencent Holdings at 2005 that is supported by Mac and MS Windows Operating System. The function of Foxmail Email client is similar to Microsoft Outlook; however, it is accompanied with Chinese language support, making it more popular among citizens of China. As the usage rate of email arises, criminals also use email clients like Foxmail to disseminate obscene images, links to pornographic websites, distribution of sensitive secrets, discussion and planning to carry out the criminal operations, etc. Due to these reasons, there is a high chance of Foxmail emails being involved in cyber-based criminal activity. Criminals have false belief that if the emails have been deleted, it cannot be restored. However, most of the forensic investigation team uses advanced algorithms that help them to extract evidence against the suspects for justice.

Understanding Storage Location of Foxmail Data

The default storage location of the emails of Foxmail email client is often stored under the following directory: “Foxmail-installed-path/mail/FOXMAIL account name”
Email box contents of Foxmail are stored in file with BOX file extension. Several other files found under Storage->Boxes in the Foxmail account is in, out, send, trash, etc. These files are used for storing email inbox, outbox, sent items, and the deleted items.
In addition to this, there are many file folders such as Mails where all the emails are stored in one folder. Reportedly, it has been found by the investigation teams that following byte sequence is used as the header of the emails in mail file of Foxmail email client:
“10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 53 0D 0A”

Challenges involved in Foxmail Forensics

The BOX file, which is associated with email box contents in Foxmail email client. Though some email clients can be used to import the data from these boxes, this file type cannot be converted to any other file format. The conversion is restricted by the developers of the application in order to protect the intellectual property of the developer.

Examine Evidence through Foxmail Forensics

The most important thing to carry out the forensic analysis on any email client is to collect the data, i.e. emails. Similarly, while studying about the Foxmail forensics we need to search for the email header and extract the contents of the emails to precede further investigation. However, in case of Foxmail, email data cannot be analyzed without using external platform. Even if email data is readable, it is not much helpful in terms of forensics aspect. One solution that gives a complete platform to analyze the emails in Foxmail email client can be availed by using a reliable third party Email Forensics Tool. Tool incorporated with robust search mechanism needed by investigation team to carve evidence against suspects from the email data. Additionally, the feature of software that supports analysis on email contents on the software itself makes it a suitable choice.


As per the examination, Foxmail data analysis is usually challenging because it is platform-restricted which makes it difficult to analyze the email data without any external help. However, to resolve the increasing cybercrime issues associated with Foxmail emails, Foxmail forensics investigation has become necessary. Therefore, investigation teams should focus on developing advanced techniques for the effective extraction of evidence from the Foxmail account that helps in digging out evidence. Various Forensics Tool emerges as a complete toolkit that offers an interface to read the Foxmail data and enables its analysis as well.


By Anurag Sharma

Tech enthusiast & cyber expert for the past 5 years. Love to solve complicated scenarios to counter cyber crimes with in-depth technical knowledge.